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How to talk about a crisis with children?

They catch disturbing intonations of news releases, they are scared by the confusion of parents. Children easily become infected with our concern, without a clear idea of what it is caused. How to explain what is happening in the world and the country in order to calm them down if possible?

Eight -year -old Masha unexpectedly asks her father: “And that you will also be fired from work?”He dismisses:” Do not say nonsense!”, But the girl does not suit such an answer. What can she tell? How in detail it costs to explain to children what a global economic crisis provoked by pandemia is, and how it affects our life?

According to psychologist Julia Hippenreiter, it would be a mistake to pretend that nothing is happening. Когда в воздухе висят напряжение и недоговоренность, это тревожит ребенка. Judging by the letters in Psychologies, children 6-12 years old are especially worried about. Ten -year -old Cyril shares his experiences with a psychologist: “At home, the situation is bad, dad is upset all the time, he says that we now have no money”.

But children are worried not so much as the consequences of the events that are taking place, real or imaginary. Our uncertainty finds them by surprise, destroying children’s ideas about an adult stable world. Julia Hippenreiter identifies several points, which is important to remember when answering the child’s questions about the crisis and its possible consequences.

1. Agree among themselves. Adults, warns Julia Hippenreiter, first of all it is necessary to decide for yourself. Discuss what worries, develop a strategy that will help the family cope with difficulties, emotionally support each other. Plan the costs, think about what children will do on the holidays. Such clarity will help to speak with children calmly and convincingly.

2. Remain frank. This does not mean that children need to tell in detail everything that happens at our work, or how family plans are changing. Suffice it: difficult times have come, our income is reduced, but we will find a way out.

“If the child continues to ask questions, answer calmly, confidently, trying to choose the exact words,” the psychologist advises. One of the tasks is that the child does not have guilt

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, because children tend to consider themselves responsible for our problems and our mood: “Mom is again upset – probably because I behave badly …”

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