! Without a column

“Return to things that will not let you down”

“Looking at the circulations of the novels about Harry Potter, it is interesting to understand: what is the new English teacher about our world about our world? At first glance, the adventures of the “boy who survived” are the usual fantasy novel of education, built around the struggle of good with evil. Evil looks quite traditional and recognizable. But with good, everything is not so obvious: the teachers one by one turn out to be the puppets of the Volan de Morta, the Ministry of Magic is corrupt, the press is sold … And even Dumbledore, the main mentor, from the first book, not only deceives Harry, exposing his life in danger, but alsodirectly manipulates the hero, using it as a pawn in the game. For the sake of his victory, the director of Hogwarts is ready for everything. At the end it becomes obvious: Dumbledore is the biggest evil for Harry, dangerous precisely because it is hiding behind the larva of care and love. We agree: this is unusual for children’s literature. It seems to me that the secret of the popularity of books Rowling is concluded here. Harry Potter is a little boy involved in the war of two forces originally alien to him. He knows that Voldemort is evil, and he so wants to believe that Dumbledore is good. Alas, by the end of the epic, even the most disadvantageous reader is convinced that both warring parties have nothing to do with good. The only values that Harry remain with is the memory of deceased parents and faith in friends.

This approach very accurately describes a person’s position in the modern world: political forces and international corporations are of little interested in a separate human life, and therefore we have to rely only on good old values – love, friendship, family … There is no more way of good – there is only a personal path, checkThe correctness of which everyone is forced, relying on himself and loved ones, and the choice between good and evil has to be made more than once in his life, and every day. However, there are considerable advantages in this: getting rid of the illusions of collective values, we again come to the primary basis, to the very roots of human life, which will probably not lead. Adult literature discussed the http://actressinc.com/617 problem of personal choice of the whole twentieth century, but it was Rowling that seemed to be the first to decide to tell the children about it “.

Joan Kathleen Rowling

English writer. Her first novel Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone (1997) was recognized in the UK the best children’s book of the year. This and other six books about Potter became world bestsellers.

J. Rowling Harry Potter and Gifts of Death, Rosman, 640 C.

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